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Arrere Amunt Avant

Linguistic Rights
Registration & Accom.

Valencià Español/Castellano


Presidential committee

His Excellency Fernando Giner, President of the  Diputacio Provincial de Valencia.
Her Excellency Rita Barberà, Lady Mayor of Valencia.
Honourable Juan Lladro, Dean of the Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana (RACV - Royal Academy of Valencian Culture).
Honourable Joan Costa Catala, President of the RACV's Section of Language and Literature.

Scientific committee

Coordinator: Angel V. Calpe, MD. RACV's Section of Language and Literature.
Voro López, philologist. RACV's Section of Language and Literature.
Jesu Masià, psicologist. EVP - Politechnic's Valencianists Students.
Toni Fontelles, journalist and basic education teacher, RACV's Section of Language and Literature.
Quelo Romero, writer. Valencian Language Writers' Association.
Lluís Fornes, teacher of Valencian.
Josep Carles Laínez, poet and writer in several lesser used languages.

Co-operating organisations

Diputacio de Valencia, Area de Cultura.
Ajuntament de Valencia.
Generalitat Valenciana.
Associacio d'Escritors en Llengua Valenciana (Aellva - Valencian Language Writers' Association).
Amics de la Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana.
Estudiants Valencianistes de la Politecnica (EVP - Politechnic's Valencianists Students), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.

Technical secretariat

Secretariat of the Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana (Royal Academy of Valencian Culture).
Subject: Seminari Internacional de Llengües Minoritaries o SILM
C/Avellanes, 26
E-46003 Valencia Ciutat.

Telephone: +34 963 915 694             Telefax: +34 963 916 965

© AV Calpe, 2002.
Consultes sobre el SILM/Questions on the SILM,
Ultima modificacio/Last update: 10-06-2002.