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Principal Amunt Avant

Valencià Español/Castellano

Linguistic Rights
Registration & Accom.

The SILM wants to be a meeting point among general society and those who are devoted to the study, defence and promotion of the diverse European minority languages. In particular, it seeks to bring together the Valencian public and the rich European linguistic plurality, taking advantage of their own reality as a bilingual society. The problems that the Valencian language confronts nowadays will receive, therefore, a special attention, though we don't pretend in any case that this topic dominates the contents of the Seminari.

The SILM will take place the days 11 and 12 of July 2002 at the Palau de Congressos de Valencia/Valencia Conference Centre.


Programme preview

Thursday, July 11th 2002

15:00 h. Accreditation.

16:00 h. Inauguration.

16:30 - 18:30 h. Panel 1. Resources for lesser used languages..

Fernando Magan, Centro Ramon Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, Santiago de Compostela
Creación y explotación de recursos lingüísticos y filológicos en el contexto de las lenguas minoritarias: Situación de la lengua gallega. [Developing and operating philological and linguistic resources within the minority languages context: Situation of the Galician language]
Kepa Sarasola, Informatika Fakultatea, University of the Basque Country, Donostia.
Prioridades en la estrategia para el desarrollo de tecnologías del lenguaje en lenguas minoritarias. [Strategic priorities for developing language technologies in minority languages]
Voro Lopez, Filolec, Secretari de la RACV.
Recursos llingüistics per a la llengua valenciana. [Linguistic resources for the Valencian language]

19:30 h. Reception wine.

This and the following event will be hold at the Palau de la Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana, 26 Avellanes Street., VLC.

20:30 -21:50 h. Round table "La creacio en valencià" [Creation in Valencian language]

Event organised by the AELLVA (Valencian Language Writers’ Association).

Chairman: Quelo Romero. AELLVA’s Board of Directors.

Alicia Palazón. Philologist and writer.
Felip Bens. Publisher, writer and journalist.
Josep Vicent Miralles. Writer.

Friday, July 12th

09:30 - 11:30 Panel 2: Languages in contact.

Tapani Salminen. University of Helsinki, Department of Finno-Ugrian Studies.
Languages, language communities and literary traditions in Europe: reflections on language rights and language policies.
Gelu Marín. Member of Aición pol Cántabru (Action for the Cantabrian Language) and author of "Atlas de Europa. la Europa de las lenguas, la Europa de las naciones", Istmo, 2000.
Empleo y uso de las lenguas autóctonas en el Estado Español y situación lingüística de Cantabria. [Use of native languages in the Spanish State and linguistic situation of Cantabria]
Hans-J. Niederehe. Univeristät Trier - University of Trier.
El luxemburgués, lengua minoritaria entre el francés y el alemán. [Luxembourgian, lesser used language between French and German]

11:30 – 12:00 h. Coffe break.

12:00 - 12:30 h. Presentation of "The Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights and the Valencian Case".

Angel Calpe. Section of Valencian Language and Literature, RACV.

12:30 - 14:30 h. Presentation of originals.

14:30 - 16:15 h. Lunch break.

16:30 - 18:30 h. Panel 3: Social normalisation.

Jean-Luc Fauconnier. Philologist, Université libre de Bruxelles. Representative in several fori of the Waloon Community.
La Belgique et les parlers régionaux. [Belgium and the regional languages].
Antje Voß. PhD, Philologist and author of "Das Valencianische zwischen Autonomie und Assimilation" (Peter Lang, 2002).
La situación sociolingüística actual del luxemburgués. [Current sociolinguistic situation of Luxembourgian]
Toni Fontelles. Journalist. Section of Valencian Language and Literature, RACV.
Els mijos de comunicacio i el valencià.
[Mass-media and the Valencian Language]

18:30 - 19:00 h. Coffe break.

19:00 - 19:30 h. Closing conference.

Joan Costa. President of the Section of Valencian Language and Literature, RACV.
El cas llingüistic valencià. [The Valencian Linguistic Case]

19:30 h. Closing.



© AV Calpe, 2002.
Consultes sobre el SILM/Questions on the SILM,
Ultima modificacio/Last update: 19-06-2002.